Thursday, October 31, 2024
On intelligent design:
Nature “falls” into a sort of universal blueprint. The path of least resistance ends at the pre-determined plan. Entropy moves the project forward while simultaneously bringing it to an ultimate close.
Funny how the left’s obsession with "oppression" always ends up with them oppressing the hell out of everyone else.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Republicans want voter ID and in-person voting.
Democrats are opposed to voter ID and favor mass mail-in voting.
Guess who’s committing voter fraud?
The truth about former Trump chief of staff John kelly
Brazen disregard for democratic norms. They’re not even trying to hide their dishonesty. If Tump “looses,” MAGA has every right to “question the election” …and then some.
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
In a YouTube comment thread, a person challenged me to define “decadence” after I had described the cultural decline of Weimar Germany
I went with the following:
“I'm no expert and I would hate to use the cliche' "I know it when I see it" but generally, l'd say it's an excess where wanton pursuit of superficial and even dangerous pleasures override any constraints that stabilize society and offer standards that one would wish to pass on to future generations. I'm sure that such a definition can be challenged but…”I know it when I see it. 😉”
Their dishonesty reveals their desperation. .
Monday, October 28, 2024
180 degrees from establishment media is
Tucker Carlson
always sums it up brilliantly.
Just some of the people who won’t be happy with a stolen election. These will be the same people who will cheer on warranted retribution against evil communist autocrats like Merrick Garland. Dishonesty and injustice wasn’t a good idea after all.
Just plain sad and pathetic.
So, why exactly does the left hate Trump?
Sunday, October 27, 2024
How is it even possible
Backlash America says no to communism.
The big — perennial — cheat
The Coup 2.0
Democrats literally want non-citizens to override the will of American citizens. The problem isn’t that they simply want power. The problem is what they intend on doing with such power. In addition to mass-censorship and punitive measures taken against citizens, they want to dictate every aspect of your life including overriding authority over your own families. What was once comical hyperbole is now objective fact. They are communists and will impose a dictatorship upon America.
It’s now widely known that protests against Democrats will be met with the full force of the law.
The election is already seriously tainted. It is now clear that several areas of the country are actively promoting voting by illegal non-citizens. If Trump “loses” millions of citizens will have just cause for skepticism. If this nightmare scenario occurs, every believer in the constitutional order should peacefully loom about outside. No need for signs, bullhorns or any other obvious act of protest. Quietly and peacefully walk the streets around federal buildings. When they fence off such areas, assemble beyond their parameters. If (when) they declare martial law, go home, open your windows, and blast your favorite music non-stop. This will at least make it clear to the coup-plotters that millions of average citizens will not tolerate their imposed rule.
Again, non-citizens are being encouraged to vote and override your choice in America’s government. This can’t be allowed to stand.
When the time comes…respond accordingly.
The Democrats
If you support Kamela Harris…
This is who you support. Justify that before a court of humanity.
True (Regarding Japan).
I’ll use this to repost a link to my extended commentary on “the real Japan.”
An EMP attack.
Saturday, October 26, 2024
The two-tiered injustice system
under a communist one-party state.
Yes, the Democrats and their deep state machine are objectively communists.
A small business person can now be imprisoned for failing to register with the latest commie/fascist scheme to rein in free citizens. Absolutely evil.
“Rino” is too nice a word
Mitch McConnel is no doubt the prime example of the corrupt uniparty in action.
The government is now full of, not only authoritarian communist Democrats but, Republicans like McConnell masquerading as an “opposition party” while they subvert any attempts to reestablish a constitutional order that serves America’s citizens.
Friday, October 25, 2024
Merrick Garland’s
J.D. Vance
And the phony fabrications of machine politics.
Like everything in this election, it all comes down to a clique of evil incompetents motivated soley by a desire to retain power.
The deep state hates Trump
Maybe she’s on drugs…
Maybe she isn’t. Either way, the personality quirks are definitely strange. And, that phony laugh (typically over things that aren’t remotely funny) is a real turn off.
Thursday, October 24, 2024
That about covers it.
Generals, Tigers, and Bears
Liars of The D.C. beltway.
Buckle up. The Democrats are communists. They have laid the groundwork for a genuine — kinetic — coup.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
American citizens have every right to be skeptical regarding the results of convoluted voting practices promoted by Democrats. Any intelligent observer has grounds for suspicion when one political party wants multi-day voting, no voter ID, and a host of complex schemes involving drop boxes, “harvesters,” and aggressive attempts to promote non-citizen voting while the the other party wants a simple strait-forward procedure that minimizes cheating.
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Tyrus sets us strait on who Trump is.
If conservatism triumphs, we retain freedom and pursue happiness. If leftism triumphs, we submit to overbearing government authority and experience continued societal decline.
More Raaaaaacism!
The fears of the irrelevant. .
Saturday, October 19, 2024
More “Racism.”
Time to pay attention to patterns, cycles, and symbolism.
“Expert” advice and analysis will be useless.
Friday, October 18, 2024
The Democrat gulag. “Saving Democracy.”
Thursday, October 17, 2024
The climate is still changing — who would have thought.
An intelligent alternate appraisal of “climate change.”
The horrors of….
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
“Saving Democracy”
Drunk with power. The communist coup d' ètat continues.
Sunday, October 13, 2024
Here they go again.
They just can’t stand the idea of a world — or individual — that is beyond their control.
Saturday, October 12, 2024
The bogus history of
I think I’ve linked to this ad before. Every couple of years or so I come across it again. The music and imagery is beautiful. When it ends I always feel like I just watched a two hour movie.
Off the plantation
Friday, October 11, 2024
Typical leftist totalitarian bastards.
Like many conservatives, my comments are often automatically deleted by YouTube. There’s nothing overtly aggressive or ill-mannered about such comments but, as in the last election, they are doing every underhanded thing they can do to tip the scales.
The harmless comment follows:
“The establishment of a one-party state under mundane selfish kleptocrats is one thing. Under the rule of communist totalitarians will be fatal. Being forced to use electric stoves, using prefered pronoun's, and forcing our children to take the latest deadly experimental vaccine will be the least of our worries.”
If Trump is overwhelmingly voted for…
The Democomms will override the voters’ choice and refuse to accept the election’s result. They will not simply seek to contest the election — as they always do. They will actively seek to nullify it. Again, to override the voters’ decision.
And, of course, right up to election day, they will scream and holler about Trump not accepting the results if he loses.
There is no more pronounced trait in the Democrat party than the perpetual act of projection — accusing their opponents of what they themselves are doing.
The ongoing flaming BS of…
January 6th. ….only following — Democrat — orders.
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Has anyone noticed that the Republicans are having to enlist lots of lawyers and election observers to prevent the Democrats from committing their usual large-scale fraud efforts?
Wednesday, October 09, 2024
A real journalist that asks real questions. (Too bad we didn’t find out what her favorite ice cream flavor is).
The “Border Deal” that the Harris campaign keeps noting that “Republicans refuse to” support:
The common citizen vs. the elite
We are so divided.
Tuesday, October 08, 2024
‘Looks like current karma may be appropriate.
The travesty continues.
NOT a conspiracy theory.
Monday, October 07, 2024
The choice
Personality and character vs. policy
I know people who have made it clear that they won’t be voting for Donald Trump in the upcoming election. They don’t particularly like Harris (and most don’t really know anything about her) but they definitely know they don’t want Trump. My rhetorical response to their stance is to ask them how their lives were negatively impacted by Trump when he was president for four years. Of course, that’s a question they really can’t answer because the only people (among American citizens) actually affected negatively were ideologues angry that they couldn’t the shove the latest statist scam down our throats.
Any choice in an election ultimately comes down to one’s appraisal of a candidate’s personality and character or the candidate’s policy positions. If one dislikes a candidate’s personal attributes, they can typically find some policy to fortify their opinion regarding the candidate’s character. If one dislike’s a candidate’s policy positions or past deeds in politics, it’s easy to then describe what an awful person he or she is regardless of actual policies pursued.
In the end, the primary motivation for who one votes for is character and/or policy.
I don’t hear many anti-Trump people describe how much they like open borders, high crime, high inflation, or weakness on the world stage. Of course some will simply deny that the last four years have been just that. There really is little that one can criticize about Donald Trump’s desire to promote the interests of “America (Americans) first” or “making America great again.”
If one is voting solely on personality, it’s reasonable to see how some thoroughly dislike Trump. He’s obviously a braggart. He’s brash, conceited, occasionally ill-mannered and rude, and unpredictable. His simplicity annoys intellectuals and pseudo-intellectuals to no end. Those who demand we “trust the experts (who are usually wrong about everything)” can’t fathom simple statements like, “these are bad people, no one has seen anything like it.”
I refer to “mean tweets” more objectively as “witty and sarcastic responses to mean comments directed at him.” In any event, we can surly endure some entertaining personal flaws if our very livelihood is at stake — and, it is.
In some elections, we go four years with a personality we don’t like or some policies we can eventually reverse or repair but, this is not one of those elections. The left is looking to permanently solidify their position. They have been very clear what their game plan is. They will pack the Supreme court with leftist radicals that have no respect for our constitution. They will make millions of “newcomers” into instant voting citizens. They will use concocted concerns about “racism” and “climate change” to radically alter American’s living standard and cultural cohesiveness.
Not everyone consults their knowledge of history and human nature before making their decision in an election. It might be good (for everyone ) if they did.
The Democrat party machine (regardless of who their candidate is) has become a vocally anti-constitution force that aims to eliminate all opposition. There are now too many instances of common citizens who have had SWAT teams show up at their door or FBI agents questioning their social media comments, statements at school board meetings, or allegiance to traditional Christian beliefs. These are not exaggerated observations. Such oppressive state behavior has become increasingly common. The leftist/Democrat machine does this because they can. They’ve tested the waters and have found that, with support from establishment media and corporate monopolies, they can pretty much get away with anything they want. A 62 year old grandmother is in prison for two years for protesting at an abortion clinic — courtesy of Merrick Garland’s Soviet style “justice” department.
It’s no longer conjecture that Democrats have let hordes of dependent and often criminal elements into the country for the purpose of diluting American culture and overriding the votes of American citizens.
Those who are reasonably well-informed of current events and history know there are concerted efforts to establish centralized authority that will micro-manage everyone’s life;
‘A central bank digital currency to eliminate private transactions and afford the state the ability to confiscate funds of those who step out of line.
Active desire to control who can speak and what they can say under the phony scheme of “limiting hate speech and disinformation” (all under the watchful eye of some of the greatest state-sanctioned perpetrators of hate and disinformation).
Control of what we will be permitted to eat and what utilities we will be allowed to purchase and — ultimately — if we will be permitted to privately own any thing at all (and “be happy”).
Movements like what are occurring now have happened before but with less technology and media influence. The French Revolution is a classic blueprint of what occurs when a clique of social-planning “philosophers” are attempting to “create a new world.” Mass-hysteria is the inevitable result. The least of your worries under such conditions is disruptions in supply chains for food and essentials. Piss these autocrats off, and you’ll be killed, your family will be killed, and years down the road, even with a pendulum swing in the other direction, you get a dictator and war.
It’s hard for some to fathom such things in a world that has been relatively stable and free (in the U.S.). You get a job at McDonalds, go to college, get married, have kids, watch Netflix, and go to the mall on weekends…and then, a revolution, mass violence, and dictatorship(?). Again, hard to fathom. But, history doesn’t care if you lack awareness of what it has done before. A typical dam-break in history begins with minor cracks and some trickling water. We’re currently beyond that.
Voting based on sane policy proposals may just save your future. Vote based on annoyance over perceived personality flaws may find you wishing you still had access to Netflix and weekends at the mall.
Vote as if your life depends on it…it does.
Sunday, October 06, 2024
What are people not seeing about Democrats?
America last.
Election denial for me but not to thee.
This is beyond horrible. (Pay particular note to the guy’s comments after the two minute point in the video).
More pure evil brought to you by Democrats.
Saturday, October 05, 2024
Tucker Carlson…
His speeches are beyond brilliant — a cross between Mark Twain and a church sermon. (The first 15 minutes or so are kind of warm-up. After that, he gets fired up).
More “compassion”
Let’s just note that the establishment (state) media isn’t treating this like the botched government response to Hurricane Katrina.
Some “Black lives matter” more than others — especially the albino ones apparently.
Your Socialist Government…
doing what socialist government’s do.
Friday, October 04, 2024
Some new and powerful footage of
what state media has been trying to memory hole.
You know that, had a Democrat been the attempted target, we’d be hearing about it like “January 6th” — every day.
America last….
Overly theatrical….
But, He’s not wrong.
Thursday, October 03, 2024
America’s Fifth Column.
In spite of current attempts to destroy America from within, it’s not such a bad place.
Make me laugh/cry.
Authoritarian collectivists (I remind you that this would include most socialists and national socialists) hate Israel. Authoritarian collectivists are anti-Semitic.
…It’s icing on the cake that they also hate America and its constitution.
A real rebel acts like one. You can’t support globalist authoritarian nonsense and pretend you’re on the cutting edge of skepticism, open-mindedness, and “calls for change.”
Wednesday, October 02, 2024
We are actually at the point where one can be held in suspicion or even labeled a “domestic terrorist” for expressing one’s allegiance to the American constitution and traditional moral values. This is not only crazy but, it’s indication that they have won already. Your government no longer has anything to do with you.
“Price Gouging” …for thee and not for me.
Tuesday, October 01, 2024
What an absolutely evil bastard.